Sunday 28 April 2013

Key Attributes Of Good Webinar Software

By Ken Morrison

Web conferencing software comes in handy for those who need a specific type of top-down web conferencing product or service. The flow of information typically comes from the organizer and is directed towards many recipients, similar to a conference call or a slide show presentation. Webinar software does allow for an interactive component, with recipients able to submit a question or complete a poll, and so on.

It's not so hard to select the right product or service, because there aren't too many which are affordable and reputed. Out of the ones that do fulfill these basic criteria, a customer should choose based on a few key attributes that are necessary in good webinar software. Here's a listing of these attributes that might be helpful.

The first consideration is the cost, and it should either have a one-time purchase price as a product or a yearly fee for a hosted service. It's no good if there's a high metered usage system or a heavy monthly fee. After all, the main advantage to using such a solution is to minimize the cost in terms of time and money required for bringing together people in different locations. It's not much help if the solution itself costs a lot.

Also important is the ease of use and installation. If it is a web-based service, then there shouldn't be any installation process because it will simply run in a browser. If it is a desktop based application, then it should be lightweight without any integration or connectivity problems.

Other than this, some companies will also need some advanced support, such as desktop or application sharing between participants, and the ability to stream video. This will help each participant demonstrate or join in on the project, instead of it being a simple discussion. Webcam support for live video would make the application very useful.

Another key feature for web conferencing software that is useful in a corporate environment is the ability to record everything. In the online and paperless age, digital records are extremely important. A company has to follow an established protocol for recording online meetings and make sure the product or service chosen is able to provide compliance.

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