Tuesday 9 July 2013

Whatever You Must Check When Operating A Computer Tips Website

By Joe Mosh

Looking around for some sort of 'secret manual' on how to run a successful computer information site? So far as we're aware, that doesn't exist. But we have put together a collection of advice from experience site owners that can help you to improve your own website and draw a larger audience. Let's get to work on increasing the popularity of your content.

Keep certain internet customs alive on your computer information site. Most people expect a logo in the left hand side, and expect it to be clickable and lead them back to the home page. Keeping these customs alive makes navigation easier for customers. Visitors don't want to be confused when navigating your page, so keep it simple.

Once your article is published, share the link on your social networks. This takes your article backlink and creates another set of backlinks that link to the original link. In other words, it boosts your link value.

If you want your computer information site to be not only moderate but also effective you should provide a mobile version that can be accessed through devices with smaller screens. Web traffic from smartphones and tablet PCs is constantly increasing and if your website is not compatible with these mobile devices you are potentially losing hundreds of thousands of customers. Keeping up the latest trends and technology is very important for the success of an online business.

A computer information site should be designed in such a way that all information, ads, links, sidebars etc. have a specific display location. If they are haphazardly jumbled up on every page, a viewer becomes confused.

Don't use Flash. If you can't live without it, keep it to a minimum. Search engines can't index information that's in Flash, Flash isn't available to many smart phone users, and it can really slow down your web page. There's too much that can go wrong with using Flash - it's better to just avoid it.

Be curious. It is only the cat that curiosity kills; it does not kill any business. Most successful business ventures started with curiosity. Find out more about things you think can be helpful in making your computer information site a success.

JavaScript can help add some excitement to your computer information site. However, use it sparingly. If you use too much JavaScript, the web page will load slower. Also, it will distract from the web content. Users are on your website for the content, not for the JavaScript.

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