Wednesday 25 September 2013

The Evolution Of Free Mobile Games

By Jason Phillips

It used to be unthinkable for a grownup to play mobile games. People thought that these were things that only children bothered with. Adults were not fond of gaming devices or of spending so much time playing with them. Anyone caught with these things in an office would have been severely ridiculed by colleagues.

Now the children of the 80's and 90's are all grown up. We live in a world where everyone owns at least one of several types of mobile devices. These are often filled to the brim with free mobile games and it is common to see people of all ages enjoying them. The relatively simple classics like Snake, Tetris and Solitaire have been replaced with a new breed of games that are full or color and feature complex game play.

Many games are sports oriented, allowing you to control your own players or teams. Tennis and soccer games are very popular. Old arcade games are making a comeback. You can enjoy the likes of Pac-Man, Asteroids, Space Invaders, and dozens more. For those seeking more of a mental challenge, there are a multitude of games that test your knowledge, including ones focusing on trivia and puzzles.

Free mobile games can be downloaded from multiple sites and installed on a variety of compatible devices. Their ease of acquisition has made them popular among the masses that don't have to shell out anything to enjoy playing them. Game developers are constantly coming out with new ideas that inject life into the industry and make their fans hooked on the platform.

Somewhat newer games that are seeing a lot of play include Crush the Gems, which is an addictive puzzle game, supported by Java. Perhaps the biggest game to come out in the last few years is Angry Birds. The concept is extremely simple. You control birds and launch them to destroy pigs and buildings. It is easy to learn, but like any great game, requires a bit of practice in order to master. With everybody having mobile devices, and looking for something to do in their spare time, it is clear free mobile games are not going anywhere. If anything, we will have even more of them to look forward to in the future.

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