Sunday 19 January 2014

When Opting For Business Voip Chicago Companies Can Expect To Cut Cost

By Marissa Velazquez

Every business has to do whatever it can to remain competitive. There can be little doubt that one of the most important aspects of a successful business is efficient communication systems. Customers do not like to be unable to get hold of their suppliers and salespeople have to be able to stay in contact with their clients at all times. In the past, this meant to be at the desk in the office. No longer, however. For the best business VoIP Chicago companies are now able to enter into the new age.

There are excellent reasons why an increasing number of businesses are considering internet based telephone systems. The modern business environment is becoming increasingly competitive and at the same time the global financial crisis is forcing businesses to cut costs. Internet telephone systems allow companies to save considerable amounts on their communication systems without compromising quality and efficiency.

Internet telephone systems are scalable and adaptable to the specific needs of any company. Companies that have several locations and departments need only one central system, regardless of just how widely spread the sites are. It is possible to connect new users to the system without entering into contracts and without having to install new lines. The system can therefore be expanded or even made smaller as needed.

These systems also offer amazing flexibility and features that will help every user to be much more productive. Users are able to transfer calls to remote sites and they ca use a variety of devices such as smart phones or tablets to access the central system. There is no need to ever miss a call and this can only be beneficial to the business. Calls can be made or received anywhere.

The main benefit of these systems remains the fact that they save companies money. Most subscribers have reported significant savings. It is estimated that the minimum saving will be twenty five per cent but percentages of as high as fifty has been reported. Money is also saved because a single central system can serve a large number of branches, sites and departments.

Of course, because there is a single central system and because the system is hosted by the service provider on their servers, maintenance becomes a breeze, especially when compared to the continuous maintenance required by traditional PBX systems. Clients never have to upgrade their own hardware and they always have access to the latest communications technology. This also saves money because there is no need for in house technicians or for expensive maintenance contracts.

Users of internet based systems enjoy a host of features that are not offered by traditional PBX systems. They have fax to email, voice to email, call forwarding between multiple sites and all the features they are used to, such as call holding, music on hold and voice mail. Internet systems also offer users the ability to create a wide variety of management reports.

Once they move over to business VoIP Chicago businesses find that they not only save money, but that their communications is vastly improved. Internet systems are easy to manage and to maintain. These systems are also extremely secure and users do not have to worry about upgrades.

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