Thursday 22 January 2015

Growing Need For Active Directory Password Reset Manager

By Janine Hughes

Information theft is no longer new. From our personal details on our social media accounts to all the sites that requires our log in data, theft can be done. These incidents are so rampant that we feel the need to have more protection. The threat is even more heightened in the case of companies who are dealing with vital information about their business.

When logging in to our social media accounts or any other platforms online, the basic thing that we provide is our passwords. Before, having a complicated one may look like a safer option to avoid hackers from gaining access to our accounts. Now, this is no longer the case. This is also the reason why services such as the active directory password reset is made available.

The system can be complicated though. That is why hiring a separate team that will handle it is important. If you have experienced being asked before to reset your password and have a new one, then it means that a system is already running in your place. It is one of the common drills.

The person who is managing them is not only trained in IT but also has the right skills in management and organization. He is working with filing bulks of information after all. His expertise is vital in keeping the data secured and well documented.

Among their basic and most important responsibility is resetting passwords in bulk. This can happen in random situation when the managers feel the need to do it or if there are some sort of data breach. You may not be informed of the full details behind the bulk reset, but rest assured that they are all for security measures.

The database administrator is also responsible for creating the necessary configurations that will allow the users to change their new, temporary passwords to their preferred ones during their next log on. He must be able to do this efficiently and quickly in order to maintain the smooth flow of work in the company.

The system admin can disable or delete accounts with expired passwords as well. Personnel who have expired log in info will be informed so and will be given a password that will no longer expire. If there are necessary changes, it will also be addressed with the help of the team. Needless to say, the details will be recorded or documented.

Lastly, he ensures that users or company employees cannot change the passwords set by the administrator. There are classified information in the company which can only be accessed by select people. The admin is the one who makes sure that the log in info protecting these data cannot be change unless ordered by employer or the right personnel.

This method is proven to be an effective means of containing the damages caused by data theft. While there remains the risk of security breach, this, at present, remains and efficient methods that companies can do on their end. Given that skilled personnel handle the system, all personal and company info are kept on a tight leash.

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