Wednesday 18 February 2015

Hammering It Down Your Memory With Active Directory Password Reminder

By Katina Brady

Those who say that managing the flow of information inside a company is a piece of cake surely have not tried being on the job itself. Its more than just monitoring what comes out and what not. It also involves filtering these pieces of information to see which among them is of high priority and the like. Its a job that cannot be done a one person alone.

If you belong to a small company, then centralizing the access of business related information may not be a trend. This is because the number of people who are working with you is not that big. But for companies that have thousands of employees with them, active directory password reminder system is used.

This has a simple task, but one that is often ignored by the staff. It reminds everyone of the need to change their passwords as its expiration draws close. Theres a separate team handling the inputting of data on the system which includes the dates when certain personnel should receive the reminders.

Since the staff is given the authority to issue commands, they can very well detail how often the messages should appear. They can also send it both the cell phones of the persons and to their company email address. Unless you change your password, the notifications will keep on coming up. Be mindful that when you reached the expiration and you still did not make any change, you may not be able to access important business documents.

Another efficient thing about using this system is you get to set up a separate reminder for those high ranking officials of the company. They could be reminded to change their log in more often than the employees under their command. The admin just needs to input the command.

Company heads understand the constant risk that is always posed by hackers all over the web. One carelessness on the part of the guys who maintains the company's data security and millions can be lost. Changing of passwords may sound like not a very good solution to address the issue of data theft but it can very well encourage everyone to be cautious.

Ideally, passwords have to be changed every 6 months. But it can be sooner depending on the threat of theft faced by the company or a person in the company. Oral reminder to change log in information is no longer effective. Heads has to do something to force the change internally, thus the birth of the system.

You might think how the issue of information theft is not directly related to you. After all, isn't it the company's data that those men out there are after. Surely someone can block them. WRONG. Thats just plain insensitive. Besides, you have to remember that you are now a part of the company. Your personal information is already part of the data that they are trying to protect. Do your part. Do not be a passive participant.

Be responsible with your tenure with the employer and do your share. There are bad entities waiting to take the shot. Don't ever give them the chance by being too complacent.

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