Saturday 22 August 2015

The Importance Of Water Utility Billing Software

By Nancy Gardner

This is a technology which provides comprehensive solution for collection, transmitting and processing needs. The idea is being utilized by many companies irrespective of their sizes, some towns are also using the same. The idea relies on cloud computing technology and it is being utilized by companies, towns and cities in Canada and united state. Many companies have opted to use water utility billing software for it efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Program development life cycle starts from problem identification, whereby programmers identify the challenges in the organization and how it can be solved through use of programs. The next is system analysis which involves thorough investigation of the existing programs outlining their weakness and how to improve them in the new program.

Labor force reduction do not necessary lead to unemployment, since skilled workers can be given basic training on how to use the system or alternatively they can be reshuffled to other departments. Here the worker can specialize on other duties or tasks. Some of the departments the workers can be moved to should be the customer care section where they can spend their time attending to customers.

After design stage, the next stage is testing and evaluating of program. This stage is very critical as it uses raw data to check this program capability for processing and to compare the resultant results with the required result. Then if the software passes this stage the management decides to implement it, user training is conducted first to minimize error when using the expertise and also to avoid resistance from the users.

All these stages should be arrived at after through consultation with user of the system being developed. Program analysis is the next stage whereby the programmer evaluates the existing software to check out for any loop holes it might have had to correct them in the new program so as to meet organization need.

The second stage basically involves carrying out analysis on the program, where the system analyst analyses this system thoroughly and gives a report to the management. Third step is designing the system which involves pictorial representation of this software. This graphical representation is necessary as it aids it training the users.

Technology of this nature should allow for meter changes. The machinery is supposed to be designed in such a way that it will not lose any data in case of a meter change. It should merge the old meter readings with the new meter reading to form one water bill. The machinery built is capable of exporting data easily. Flexible means of exporting meter data, customers, bills payments and other system information.

And most important function that system is able to perform, is providing a customer portal where clients can access online from their places or homes to check their account information or balances. Another important function of the system is enabling E billing. E billing allows service providers to send their customer bills reducing their cost of postage significantly.

Since there is a customer portal provided by the system, customer self service is possible through internet, kiosks, telephone and also use of wireless devices which enhance customer satisfaction. Software allows the use of dashboards which provide detailed information enhancing productivity. It also allows amalgamation with other external solutions. These external solutions can be accounting, municipal services, work management, check scanning and website. The technology should be flexible to enable for adjustment or addition of extra features in future.

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