Tuesday 7 November 2017

Easy Time Clock Software Can In The Workplace

By Daniel Perry

Any company that employs a quantity of workers is likely to want and need to keep track of their attendance. This is especially important if those same staff are paid an hourly rate and work shifts or overtime. Clock card systems and manual clocking registers are not as reliable as using easy time clock software which is beneficial to any business. Managerial staff is then freed up to focus on other aspects of running the company while knowing that their attendance is accurately monitored.

Workers that are not making their weekly attendance requirement will be able to be dealt with in an appropriate manner, correcting any tardiness and slacking and eliminating time wasting. This will ultimately improve productivity within the company. Staff morale could improve as a result.

The old way of capturing hours worked, using a book and either letting staff capture their own arrival and departure times or having a supervisor do it, is generally not accurate. Either people would falsely capture the information to cover up wrong-doing such as arriving at work late or leaving early, or claim overtime when they had not worked longer hours.

Supervisors that were guilty of stealing time, and thus money, from the company by altering manual time and attendance records or favouring particular workers, had an easy route. It was often difficult to pick up errors and certainly harder to find proof and deal with perpetrators. Unfairness and bias was always a potential hazard.

The moment a correctly installed automated clocking system is installed into a place of work, it eliminates the risk of abuse very quickly. Collected data is protected within the system, access levels can be set and the information is available immediately as the program can update constantly. There is no longer a delay caused by waiting for outlying branches to send in physical reports, no more manual calculations of time and no further room for cheating, allowing for fair business practice.

The readers are usually linked to the main computer system using 3G or wireless internet, maintain the correct time and date and allowing for remote access and repairs. It is a cost-effective and reliable method of running the devices. This also means that the data is instantly available and various reports can be set up from the software. Levels of access to the system and data is also possible.

Installing readers on main entrances as well as restricted areas offers control and security to the company. Once a worker places his or her finger onto the reader and they are identified, their time is automatically and immediately linked to their file. If they have been granted access to that area, the door or gate will automatically open for them. Security can also dictate that a particular worker or set of workers only has access to the premises at certain times or on certain days, or have no access to specific areas.

While manual clock cards are still open to abuse in some way, the biometric clocking system is practically foolproof. The workforce is required to have their fingerprints scanned and linked to their identity. Within the system, everything relevant pertaining to that staff member is recorded. Their position, the shifts they are expected to work, their annual leave days as well as their pay rate, depending on the chosen program.

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