Tuesday 31 July 2018

New Era Of Macro Managing Electronic Devices

By Steven Kelly

Earlier every electronic devices were large in size and bulky. It was a challenge in transporting and carrying these machines from one place to another. It is amazing to see the size of these devices started shrinking over the period. Today we almost carry most of these gadgets in our palm or pocket. This is entirely a new era of macro managing which are wave soldering and PCB assembly board.

When every part of a device is connected externally using basic wiring it is called electrical. The wiring is used for supplying power in form of electricity which can be either AC or DC current. That why most of the electrical devices are huge in size and not easy to transport.

If we view from the top we can see an amazing design which is called as blueprint. During the basic foundation in the creation of any electronic device. The material used in mother board is silicon plastic. This is rigid and good conductor of electricity. The reason is device will control from short circuit.

We can listen to our favorite music on a radio. This machine is designed to catch frequencies of different countries so that we can listen to songs in various languages. Mobile phone is an amazing piece of equipment that we can carry in our pocket and talk to anybody in the world.

Hard drive is designed to store the information or data permanently. The power supply unit ensures the electricity is supplied to all the parts of the computer. Apart from computer the chips are present in our mobile phones, tablets and other day to day gadgets. There are micro and macro chips according to the size.

It is an amazing experience of human interaction with computer. The art of making a machine intelligent enough to design a product on its own without human intervention is known as artificial intelligence. We can also make computer to design large machines which is known as computer aided manufacturing or CAM.

We used to go to theaters and dramas for entertainment now we can enjoy simply sitting at home. Today sportsmen can assess their performance with the help of technology that helps to perform better. We can even predict weather or natural calamities well in advance which have helped in saving many lives. Someday in future we would be living in the moon. This is not impossible humans have the capability to make any dream come true.

Transformation is a part and parcel for evolution for the species. Only through revolution mankind can advance politically, technologically and commercially. We have advanced so much that every country is in a space race, looking for another planet to secure life. We are also curious to know if there are any other life forms out in the universe.

In earlier days when everything has to be done by hand we were unable to produce large qualities. It was not humanly possible. In order to produce at large we would require more manpower. This also posed another issue of paying wages to everyone.

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