Sunday 27 January 2019

Applications Of High Voltage Contactor

By William McDonald

Specific areas require a specific amount of electric current to operate. For example, to light a large building with numerous rooms, one will need electricity devices which can handle great currents. In similar situations, high voltage contactor must be fitted in such devices. Huge power connectors are turned on and off electronically. The paragraphs below outlines various devices that utilize such.

Connectors have a number of applications. It is paramount to first understand the features of valves before delving into these applications. Contacts have three components. Each of these is designed to perform differently. The first part is known as a coil. Coils are used to power switches on or off. They are coiled to help pass current fast as well as cut it off. Secondly, there is a pole. Poles are suited for transmitting current. Then there are auxiliaries which panel and signals circuit usage.

The first application point is in lighting control. Bigger lighting connections are done in offices, or merchandising buildings require connectors that can withstand great power. Such is sustained by these contacts. They are designed to have two working coils. One is temporarily energized to close connections in valves while the other is used to open switches. Latching strong current connectors are used to prevent a lot of power consumption in the opening and closing coils.

Great current connectors are also used in vacuum contacts. Vacuum connectors are switches which make use of valves compressed in void bottles. These allow suppression of arcs which in turn pushes valves to a smaller size. For this reason, those fuses can be used in dirty processes such as mining. Additionally, vacuum valves are preferred in applications which utilize relatively strong electric energy. This is because they displace oil-filled circuit breakers easily.

Another application of these valves is in mercury relay. Mercury displacement transmitter uses liquid mercury. This substance is contained in an insulated bottle which is completely sealed. This acts as the powering agent. Notably, one feature of such transmitters is that they prevent corrosion in components used in cycling. However, mercury is not eco-friendly. Thus those transmitters are quickly being displaced with non-mercury great current switches.

A different version of mercury transmitters is mercury wetted relays. These minimize the amount of liquefied mercury infuses. Unlike in mercury relays, valves are coated with a little mercury before use. For this reason, they cannot relay greater capacities compared to other connectors. As a matter of fact, their carrying capacity is limited to 15 amps and below.

Next usage is in transformers also known as the camshaft. Sometimes, several contacts may be used sequentially. In such cases, single electromagnets are ineffective thus the need for the camshaft. These camshafts are operated by a power-driven motor or air-filled cylinders. Initially, camshafts were vital in speeding up power-controlled locomotives. Additionally, they are applied in inner combustion machines which are used to control poppet valves.

The last usage is in magnetic starters. Magnetic starters are components used for starting off electric motors. Such devices utilize valves in regulating how much power is transmitted through coils. This way, switches cannot overload at any time. Similarly, they offer automatic breaking in case of power breakage.

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