Saturday 13 April 2019

Why Is Technology Becomes Very Important

By Elizabeth Ward

As soon as technology existed a lot has happened and new things were made and been perfected. The lives of each and every one of us started to get new and easy. When new inventions were introduced, some would really strive hard just to get that thing. Because technology has been vital in making our lives easier, such as the invention of Pressurized Liquid Extraction System.

When technology made its way in making new inventions so that every life will be made easier. Just like what happened to the way we do our communications before it would take up to weeks before one could receive a message. But in the present time, people could not get a message for just a second, even with those who live in the farthest part of the earth.

It also paved the way in recreating more personal relationships. This comes to the connection you have from other people. You were able to send them what you feel. Through the use of social media, people can now find a way so that they can message their loved ones. And building a happy relationship with them.

It gives us also a chance to learn more and been used by many teachers in their classrooms. There are apps in which they can use to serve as something very helpful as materials when they are teaching. There is this app where you can teach your kids Mathematics very easily, and this also comes with some videos.

Paying was even made easy through this. I have tried buying from some store in the mall. I do not have to bring money, all I have is my card and my phone. The way in which payment was made is very easy, all I had to do was scan the code that is located in the cashier and then selects the amount of money I need to pay. And as easy as that I was able to make my purchase.

Not just through purchasing but also when it comes to your banking experience. A lot of banks had already adapted to this kind of system. In this, their customers do not need to go to an ATM machine for them to check their balance. They can now keep track of their money in that bank through online banking.

Agriculture is one of the jobs which is very hard to do. You have to really exert too much effort so that you will be able to harvest something in the future. When the new machines and tractors were introduced to the farmers, they do not have to exert much of their effort in doing such, they will just have to work the machine and they are done.

When we talk about transportation, it was also greatly affected. When new vehicles were invented and were very helpful in a way that it decreases the time we can travel the amount we spend for gas. New faster trains were introduced and up until now, they are still on the process of doing more helpful vehicles in the future.

Because of technology a lot of lives were made easier. I forgot to also mention that played a very important role in the medical industry. Right now, doctors have easier way on how they can treat diseases that they have not treated before. They were able to use machines that can detect any illness inside the body of that person. And even in every aspects of our lives, technology really become so important.

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