Friday 24 June 2011

The Benefits of Having a VPS over a Dedicated Server

There are many advantages to having a VPS server over a dedicated server. It used to be that a dedicated server was the only alternative to a shared server. With a dedicated server, the hosting service provider is required to purchase and configure new hardware for each customer. This means that the hosting company had to make huge investments in advance. There was also a lot of power used, as well as ​​network connections and data centre space. This made the cost of a dedicated server’s sky high.

The whole process of VPS just makes everything a lot cheaper. Hosting companies are now able to provide the same quality of service as a dedicated server, only using shared hardware. This reduces the amount of their data being used and the amount of power and network connections used. This of course reduces their costs, and they pass the savings on to their customers.

Another thing that makes VPS technology more cost effective is the matter of hardware renewal. Generally, with a dedicated server setup, once the server hardware got to be around three years old people would refresh their hardware in an attempt to lower their risk of failure and take benefit of new developments in speed.

You still have to renew your system with the server a VPS, but the difference lays in who will pay for it. When you have a dedicated server, you have to take on the full weight of the replacement cost through fee levels. The cost ends up being distributed across the many customers, so that fees remain low throughout the plan over a period of years, even if the hardware changes.

It makes sense economically and technically much more to use a virtual private server. Of course, there are still going to be times when a real need for a dedicated server, but in most cases, virtualization to provide better performance than shared server, without technical problems.

With VPS hosting, you get an exclusive partition on a server. It's basically a standalone server and within this framework, which will be able to run your applications and desktop operating system. You can customize it to meet your own needs and desires. You have the same effectiveness as you would if you had a dedicated server but you do not pay more. However, you have more technical and financial options as you would with a shared server.

Probably the best feature of a virtual private server is customization. You can run whatever you want, and you have full root access to the partition. You also have the ability to manage the growth of your website. Generally, your site will grow over time. When using a VPS server, you have everything you need on hand to control the growth of your business!

Find out more about at VPS Hosting or Contact Brendan at Shellshock Computers in Tumut for more information

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