Sunday 26 June 2011

Guide To Hardware Repair And Periodic Maintenance

Computer repairs and periodic maintenance can not only be used to fix existing problems but can also help to put off future troubles from happening. The methods for performing these procedures include regular cleaning schedules and other ways of maintaining the systems. Keeping the parts in good shape will allow them to last for quite some time and help prevent untimely failures.

Interior components are known to last for a very long time if properly maintained and this means regular cleanings. Another way of maintaining a computer is keeping the hard drives defragmented by using the tools built into the operating system. Keeping the hard drive defragmented will decrease the chances of it failing and causing repairs to be essential.

Removing the power source from the machine is the crucial first step. If memory fails then it will need to be removed and taken to an electronics store so a new one can be purchased. To do this, open the case after unplugging the power and locate the modules, they will have a clip on either end of the stick and by applying a little pressure they will release the stick.

If a hard drive fails, removing it is quite straightforward and is done by using a Philips head screwdriver. The first step is to open the case and disconnect the power plug and drive cable by gently wiggling them free. If it is a newer desktop then the cables might be a bit different and are released by pushing a tab. Once power wires and cables are removed, use the screwdriver to remove the screws holding the drive and pull it free.

Motherboard replacements are a bit tricky and should be done by professional that has knowledge in this field. If it is a video card that fails the process is to again open the case and remove the screw holding the card in place. If the card is an AGP/PCI-E model it will have a release clip at the rear of the card itself, press on the clip or pull it and the card will come free.

Fans are bound to stop working at one time or another and can be replaced very easily by removing the four screws holding them in place. This is done after the power plug is disconnected in order to make sure there are no issues with power. When it comes to installing them the process is reversed and the screws are installed first then the power is plugged in.

Ensuring the system is kept clean can not only extend its life cycle but it can also keep the system running efficiently. Setting a schedule to clean the case out at least one time a month with an air canister or air compressor is an ideal practice to keep. In addition to cleaning out dust and debris from the case it is recommended to run weekly virus scans and also run the defragment program in the operating system. This will ensure the operating system and hard drive stays healthy and will continue to work with minimal problems.

Keeping up to date on hardware repair and periodic maintenance is sure to help the system stay running in top condition. A computer is like a car and requires routine checkups and routine steps to properly maintain the working parts. Putting time and effort into processes such as these will help the computer to continue running the best it can.

Specializing in Computer repair, wireless network installation and on-site Computer repair services in Tumut and around the area.

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