Saturday 5 November 2011

Office 365: Using IT in a Box To Solve All Your Computer Problems

By Glen Ellyn

When you are concerned about where your internet files are stored, it can be handy to learn more about Office 365 compared to an external hard drive. If you have a lot of important files that you will not want to lose, the age old debate comes back into play as to whether you will want to store your files on the internet or in your home.

Storing your information online is easy, simple and can help you stay much more organized. If you are bouncing around between a few different computers, for instance, your work computer and your home computer, it can be nice to have files on the internet so that you can access them anywhere. No longer will you be concerned about leaving your flash drive at home with the important expense report that you need for your meeting today. When you use IT in a box, it can simplify so much for you.

There are also dangers when it comes to using software to store sensitive data. There have been instances in the past where information has been lost and it can be tricky to navigate the thousands of bytes of information online. There is a simple way around this, and that is to always have back up files. There is no reason that you should be worried about where your things are located. You can use something like Office 365 or have an external hard drive like many other people. When you do this you will be able to rest easy.

Using the internet to store your files will be perfect when you purchase a new IPod and want to put your music on it. If you have all of your music stored on Office 365, on your computer and also on an external hard drive and you go to put all that music on your IPod, you will not be worried if it wipes your IPod clean. This is normal glitch that may happen and it totally understandable. Make sure you are not dumb.

Using computers can be hard but if you learn about them and read you will be able to understand why it works the way that it does. Make sure that when you are getting yourself Office 365, you know where your files are and you have multiple copies of the things that you don't want to lose.

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