Friday 9 March 2012

Facebook Marketing 101: What You Need To Know

By Staci Rae

Facebook is a part of our everyday lives, and once you understand how it works you'll be able to see how you can use Facebook to market your business. Social networking sites like Facebook draw a hugely loyal fan base, which can be a real boon to any business. If you can manage to get a loyal fan base on Facebook for your business, you'll be in good shape for success. Twenty percent of fans will come back to your page more than once, the highest return rate of any social networking site. That's a great news for your business!

If you've never tried Facebook marketing before, you may feel a little lost and think you don't know where to start. But hang on. Essentially, it comes down to your ability to promote your Facebook page effectively. Do that effectively and you'll be able to reach more customers than you can imagine. But how do you go about it?

One great strategy is to offer your fans some sort of discount or coupon or prize for joining your Facebook page. This strategy plays on human nature - people love to get something for free! And the best part of the scenario is that you are the one who actually benefits, because once they become a fan of your business on Facebook you know they are interested in your business and you can start pitching your business message to an interested audience.

There's a reason your Facebook fans can leave you messages, start and respond to discussion topics, and post on your wall. Facebook is all about communication and interaction. Pay attention to your fans' feedback and adjust your marketing strategy to match what your fans say they want. Don't ignore their wants and needs or you'll quickly see them drop off your of your fans list.

It's a great idea to get your fans talking, too. Ask questions, send out polls or surveys, comment on discussions - all of this will get people talking and let them know you're listening, too. You'll create more marketing opportunities, inspire more feedback and open the lines of customer service communication.

Facebook offers several tools to help you market your business, including sending messages, videos, and even links to your loyal fans. Taking full advantage of these tools will help you stay better connected with your supports, will keep them interested in you and will keep your business top of mind. All of these things are crucial ingredients in the mix if you're going to be successful with Facebook marketing.

Use sites like to help you get the Facebook fans you need to start promoting your business. Check out their site for more information about their innovative social media marketing products and start embarking on your Facebook marketing campaign.

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