Thursday 23 August 2012

Maximizing the Use of Your Recruitment Software

By Jane Clements

As with everything else, there are drawbacks to using recruitment software to be in control of your hiring process. The software automatically sifts out CVs that are not relevant to your search, leading to some candidates complaining of companies not even taking the time to send a rejection slip. Other times, the recruiter misses out on a couple of highly-competent individuals just because their CVs did not contain the correct words that properly correspond with the search.

Nevertheless, the utilising of HR recruitment software to increase efficiency and lower expenses , in the end, exceeds having to go without it. Hiring, in fact, does not create earnings for the company, unless you are a recruitment agency whose main income-producing activity is to hire the right people for your client corporations. Still, having to manage various clients and applicants is more reason for a recruitment agency to find the best software that meets its business demands.

It is critical to remember, though, that hiring is largely a people-centric process. Just because you have on board excellent software with a large database for storing customer and candidate data and a handy CV parser doesn't imply you can idly chill out and let your PC do all of the work. Effective recruitment doesn't take place merely because of software. Human interaction and the facility to form sound judgment thru those interactions always be vital.

The following are strategies thru which you can integrate your own human skills and logic to work with recruitment software.

1. Work on your search factors.

One of the most terrible errors recruiters make is to rely on a simplified set of search filters when attempting to find CVs of people who might be interested in a job opening. When you type in the keyword "management" into your software, it most likely turns up with CVs that contain the word "management" in them, which isn't really a good factor that will help you identify if the applicant is a good fit for the job or not. Good recruitment software lets you streamline your resume search by providing several filters. Take advantage of this by identifying certain fields, for example area of interest, years and level of professional experience or specific skills and abilities.

2. Extend your applicant database.

It takes a good recruitment database to keep all of your candidate information intact, but it needs a friendly and prolific human team to ask people to fill in your database. Any sort of software will be unable to do it for you, so don't disregard planning and executing a marketing campaign to get people to apply to your jobs.

3. Allow job sharing and applicant referral.

Effective recruitment is not simply about getting into contact with people who are actively looking for work; it should also allow access to passive candidates who might be interested once the right opportunity passes their way. Recruitment software features include job sharing, applicant referral or both, which permit you to find fine quality applicants who might not meet your stipulated search terms or those who may not have requested the position right off the bat.

4. Automate communications.

Creating and sending out daily mails to clients and applicants is a repeated and time-consuming task. Recruitment software have features that allow you to type all your generic emails at one time,, save them in your database and send them out with a click when the need appears. This feature doesn't only save time and resources. It may also assist in improving customer and candidate relationships and strengthen your brand awareness by permitting you to send regular e-newsletters that provide helpful and engaging content to keep your firm on top of people's minds.

5. Integrate job boards into your software.

Online job boards are still a primary resource for jobseekers. Studies show that any job posting on a job board receives 300 responses on average. With recruitment software, you are able to save time by targeting multiple job boards at a single time. Naturally, you have to write detailed job advertisements that contain the job description, requirements and benefits, but the software takes care of multiple posting. Moreover, remember to add an email address that applicants can apply to. Your software will immediately link the replies and all files attached into your own system.

6. Manage your timetable.

Juggling various jobs all at the same time may cause time allocation issues which can lead to problems such as missed phone calls or late interviews. Your recruitment software should include an electronic organizer that sets reminders for when events like these are about to happen or when they are due. The best software even lets you create reminders for other business-related events, such as regular meetings with workers or special events like expert meetings.

While recruitment software won't take over the whole hiring process, it's a important component of any recruitment firm or HR team whose main responsibility is to keep and manage a pool of people who can fill in job openings. As the thinking, analyzing, problem-solving human being, your job is to improve your usage of automated recruitment software and make sure your company is getting the most out of it.

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