Monday 13 August 2012

The FavoriteAmong Online Gaming Members Is A Space War Game

By Reginald X. Maynard

As millions of players around the world are searching for a challenge and entertainment that is available in the MMORPG arena, a definite preference is shown for participants who are anxious to seek thrills in the fantasy world of the future by interacting and role-playing in a space war game. Throughout the evolution of technology and the development of video games starting with the popularity of flight simulators, it became very obvious that it was an area of interest for gamers. For decades children could unfold their imaginations play-acting with little plastic army men, and later the larger action figures. As the worlds of science and technology expanded, a definite niche became apparent for this type of action to take place in the future of outer space.

One such game became an almost immediate hit among the browser-based MMO crowd with the unveiling of the Battlestar Galactica Online game. The 2004 remake of the television series acted as the base for the development of this game which experienced within the first three months of its launch more that two million registered users.

This space war game is set in place with the Cylons and the Colonials at the edge of one of the galactic arms completely stranded.

As the Cylons developed they rebelled again man who had originally created them. In an attempt to annihilate the humans and steal their resources the Cylons paid a visit to the Twelve Colonies 40 years after the first Cylon War had occurred, which is when this game takes place. The Colonial fleets are heavily damaged and low on critical resources, which is the start of the race to repair and rearm their ships to enable them to survive the space war game and escape in an attempt to journey toward the home of the legendary 13th Colony that is known as Earth.

The other ship that persevered the Cylon attack, called the Pegasus, finally is spotted and reunites with Battlestar Galactica after months of the Cylons pursuing them as the story unfolds.. In an effort to retaliate and destroy the Cylon's Resurrection ship the two remaining Colonial forces unite and act together making them stronger and successful. That space war game strategy convinced the Cylons to launch an enormous counter attack against the Colonial Fleet. The Colonials experienced a massive pulse of energy from a mechanical malfunction that triggered an uncontrolled jump which threw them off course as theytried to jump to safety. And so it proceeds, to coin the expression - to be continued.

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