Tuesday 10 December 2013

Don't Be Deceived By The Manufacturer Specifications Of Today's Cordless Speakers

By Michelle Finger

The frequency response is by far the most commonly found parameter in order to characterize cordless speakers. Nonetheless, it can regularly be misleading and might not necessarily offer a good indication of the audio quality. I am going to make clear the meaning of this phrase and additionally offer some recommendations on how to interpret it while searching for a set of cordless speakers. Wireless speakers are designed to transmit and the reproduce a music signal to moderate or high sound level. Suppliers typically present the frequency range over which the cordless loudspeakers operate. Ordinarily a lower and upper frequency are listed, for example 20 Hz - 20 kHz. This kind of spec indicates that the wireless speakers have the ability to transmit and then reproduce music inside that frequency range. You might think the larger the frequency response the better the cordless loudspeakers. That, however, might not always be the case. You should go through the specs more carefully to be able to correctly understand them all.

A set of wireless speakers are going to transmit and the reproduce an audio signal that is within the frequency response range. If the frequency range is 20 Hz to 20 kHz for instance, the wireless loudspeakers would be able to transmit all signals with a frequency greater than 20 Hz and lower than 20 kHz. Yet, there is more to comprehending the wireless speakers's overall performance than merely reviewing these figures.

A large frequency response doesn't imply the wireless loudspeakers have great sound quality. For example a set of cordless speakers which has a frequency response between 30 Hz and 15 kHz might sound a lot better than another set with a response between 10 Hz and 30 kHz. In addition, every producer, it appears, utilizes a different way of specifying the minimum and maximum frequency of their cordless speakers. Normally, the frequency response shows the normal working range of the cordless loudspeakers. Inside this range, the sound pressure level is largely constant. At the upper and lower cutoff frequencies the gain is going to drop by no more than 3 decibels. However, the frequency response often is used in order to misinform consumers by way of extending the frequency range a great deal beyond the range in which the wireless loudspeakers still operate properly and also covers up the reality that the cordless loudspeakers might not be linear. A complete frequency response chart, on the other hand, will show whether there are any kind of peaks and valleys and also show the way the frequency response is to be understood. You may even want to demand a phase response chart that offers vital clues in regards to the audio quality.

In order to better comprehend the frequency response behavior of a particular model, you should attempt to determine under which conditions the response was calculated. You'll find this information in the data sheet of the wireless loudspeakers. However, most makers won't publish those in which case you might need to make contact with the maker directly. The fact is that numerous amps which are incorporated into the wireless loudspeakers will behave in a different way with different speaker loads. This is mainly because that various loudspeaker loads will cause changes to the behavior of the output power stage of the amplifier.

This change is most obvious with many cordless loudspeakers that use digital amps, also known as Class-D amplifiers. Class-D amplifiers employ a lowpass filter inside their output to reduce the switching components which are produced by the internal power FETs. The lowpass filter characteristic, on the other hand, heavily depends on the connected speaker load.

Some amplifier topologies provide a way to compensate for changes in the amplifier gain with various loudspeaker loads. One of these methods utilizes feedback. The amplifier output signal after the internal lowpass is input to the amplifier input for comparison. If not designed adequately, this approach could potentially cause instability of the amp though. Different amplifiers use transformers and provide outputs for several speaker loads. Aside from improving the frequency response of the amplifier, this method normally additionally enhances the amplifier efficiency.

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