Sunday 21 September 2014

You Can Use Special Active Directory Password Reset Programs

By Lessie Kaufman

The second most problematic aspect that those at the help desk have to contend with, has to do with controlling your passwords. Active Directory Password Reset is there ensuring that changing passwords through a centralized manager will be fast and easy. Having to change these every so often can be very disrupting to individuals as they are concentrating on a certain task and then all of a sudden have to change thoughts.

For those individuals that are not familiar with changing them and if one is using windows here is a straightforward and easy way of doing it. The password is a name and/or number that will need to be used when logging onto a computer. By changing them frequently it will help to stop hackers getting into ones account and causing total havoc, not to mention been able to read all incoming and outgoing messages.

When changing passwords, one can go into the security settings and there determine how many days it must be kept for. It can vary from 0 to 998 days depending on one's preference. To be extra careful it is recommended that it gets changed ever one to two months so if a hackers get in they only have a restricted amount of time on your network.

To reset a Windows password one will need to make sure whether it is a domain, workgroup or a home group. This is just a different way of organizing everything on a network. All computers that run on a home network are normally part of a workgroup while those in a workplace normally run as part of a domain.

Next right click and select properties and click on group policy tab that will bring one back to what one has just formed. Click up and then edit. Expand the computer configuration and go to windows and security settings. At this point all of one's password requirements will need to be filled in and they will either be accept or decline. Once this is done press enable.

This program also has a monitor that activates to see how many people are logged on. It helps to find any inactive users and will filter them out automatically. It generates reports hourly as to when someone has logged on as well as the time and date. It will inform the administrator every hour how a certain person is performing with the tasks given to them. Only if the old one is recognized and the new one passes the policy will it be allowed to change.

If one is still not sure on how to reset or change them do not worry. Although the personnel at the help desk might have to deal with this type of problem everyday they will still be helpful. Not everyone is a computer geek and some things just seem to be above ones understanding. The older generations that normally don't work with computers every day seem to have more problems understanding certain aspects when it comes to technology.

Using a domain will enable one to get access to any computer as one will not require an account. Unfortunately not many setting changes can be made as there needs to be some sort of regularity amount all computers. This can be used on all of the above to ensure all information is kept safe and secure.

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