Saturday 8 September 2018

Talking About CSL Radio Frequency Identification

By Jeffrey Rogers

Hello, welcome to this story adaptation of a topic we have a hard time understanding. Essentially, we go into the inner workings of how radio frequency works and how we could use this to our advantage. Assuming we know how to work it to begin with. We are all idiots so if anyone out there knows what they are doing, please help us. We need an adult on this. This is not our area of expertise so prepare for something that only correlates to it lightly. So strap yourselves in as we talk about CSL RFID.

If pretending to be one of them proves to be a more dangerous risk, then you would hack your way into theirs systems. Putting bugs around their area will be sufficient. You can just use a radio to listen in on their meetings and plans, hoping the bugs you planted do not get discovered.

Imagine the zombie apocalypse for instance. You find yourself stranded all by yourself after you just killed your friends. They got bit and turned into those dead biters so you had to. It had been their dying wish to be put out of their misery since they do not want to become one of them. As a friend, you could only obey their wish.

You made yourself a neat little cot in that place. Setting up your equipment for hacking and listening it, you made yourself comfortable below the window. You hope the light from the computer screen will not be seen from the outside or else you can just say goodbye to your cover and then hope you would not die by the end of it.

Where you are right now is some sort of deserted island with an ominous jungle. You have no way of getting back to your city, much less home to soothe the hangover you currently have. Way to go. Because of a night of excessive drinking, you now have the possibility of death being near.

But you hold on. And along the way, you find an old friend you have not seen in years. You discovered that he survived as much this far even after getting the short end of the stick. You see, he does not live in the same country you do. Just as he had decided to visit, it was the same day the outbreak happened.

He has been stuck in your country ever since. You feel bad for him and decide to stick with him, despite your obvious reluctance in getting involved with people again. But he was your friend and you felt partly responsible for what happened to him since he is in your country. It was not your fault but you cannot help it.

It was either you die on this island or you try to put a hand on something you clearly have no profession in. All you know is that there is a possibility of other people getting you saved with that one radio you have on the ship. You hesitate whether you should mess with that or not.

You leave the place with the information obtained. You are satisfied after staking out for a month. Your stuff and equipment are all back in your apartment and you might send your info to your boss while going out to get coffee. You need it.

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