Wednesday 19 September 2018

Why Use Li Fi Router Technology

By Joseph Murphy

Ever heard of transmitting signals through the light? If not, this is what is referred to is Li fi router. It works on the principle that as long as you have the light on you can transmit data. You are literally able to do this everywhere where you can see a light bulb present. Not just office spaces, but malls and even up above in planes. This is an amazing way of doing things and seemingly unlimited because people always have light.

There are a few benefits that come with this spectacular idea. For one, you can use this kind of thing in your offices. Your employees will not struggle to utilize data, because all the lights will be on. This new way of transmitting data will just piggyback on the lights you are using. This can also save you a lot when it comes to the costs you normally pay to have data in the office. Do you want to save? Invest in this new data.

Think about home use and how much your entire household can get done. Children who use it for assignments and homework help every single night. They need something reliable and efficient, how convenient is something that works with the lights in your home. Parents who work from home can better their lives too. That light bill can be put to good use.

Getting hacked is not something to take lightly. You could lose almost everything that you have worked hard to build. People hack other while they are countries away from them. This is because of not updating antivirus software and weird online activity. With this signal transmitter, you may only be affected by those in the same room as you. This is because light does not travel through buildings.

You may worry about having the lights on all the time. No one wants to have that problem, the lights need to be paid. Fortunately, with the right light bulb, you can still transmit signals and almost turn the light off. In more practical terms, you will not have to be disturbed by lighting in order to access the internet. The li-fi bulbs have a way that you can set them so they don t bother your eyes.

Your connection and its dependence on light can get easily interrupted by the light outside. You could find that you no longer move fast and instead you struggle to execute simple instructions. This could be because of the sun shining into the building. This kind of connection, although convenient can be quite sensitive. You must block the interfering light using curtains or blinds.

While no one wants to be hacked, no one wants their movements limited either. The complaint among many surfers of the net is that its safety its also its restriction. You cannot just randomly switch buildings and you cannot go far because you must stay in the light. So if you are not bothered by this supposed limitation, you can go for it.

This connection obviously has its flaws but it also has major advantages too. You don t have to use it everywhere all the time. Instead, you should use it in places where you know you have access to light and you are there all day, such as an office. All you have to do is ensure the sun doesn t seep through to mess with it.

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