Monday 27 February 2012

The Benefit Of Domain Name Suggestion Tools

By Dean Smith

More businesses are looking to promote themselves on the internet. There are a number of different methods of doing this such as video upload sites, article directories and so forth. However it is still important to have a website that people will go to and the right domain name suggestion tools can help with this.

For example you may have recently come up with a brilliant website. Everyone agrees that it looks brilliant, it is easily accessible and everybody who uses it says how wonderful it is. However you may not be getting as much traffic as you like. One reason for this could be the wrong domain name.

For example you may run a comic store but your company is not called Something With Comics or Something Comics. This means that if people are looking it up on a search engine they would have to type in the name of the business. This relies on them either knowing about your business or having read about it somewhere. Unfortunately since a lot of people look up sites using search engines this is becoming less likely.

Another thing to consider is what people are looking for. People very rarely directly type in website addresses from memory or randomly guess and hope to find something. What they will usually do is use a search engine in order to find something that is relevant to them and offers what they want.

There are a number of sites where you can look up keywords online to see what people are searching for. This will give you an idea of their level of popularity. You can then decide what ones would be best for you and how to incorporate them into a name.

What you need to consider is what your business is and what people expect to find on your website. For example if you run a sporting goods store you will want to have a name that people can find if that is what they are looking for. In some cases it may be sufficient to have your business as a . Com. It is likely that nobody else will have that one as it will be distinctive to you. However in some cases what your business is called may not necessarily indicate the products or services that you offer.

With domain name suggestion tools you can see recommendations for the words that are most suitable for your requirements. You can then get a few ideas to see what combinations would be most suitable. Once you have found two or three there are a number of sites you can go on to see the popularity of these suggestions and their availability.

You can also find a number of review sites that look at the various domain name suggestion tools available. There are both free and paid for options available. As with any software online it is worth looking at reviews to see what features they have and what are most suitable for your requirements.

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