Sunday 29 April 2012

The Left-Handed Mouses May Be Needed - But Here Are Solid Gaming Tips For You

By Alba Howe

Gamers often have impressive skills operating left handed mouses, but there's quite a bit more to this online community than that. An ever growing number of people participate in EverQuest, WOW (World of Warcraft) and other MMORPGs (Massive MultiPlayer Online Role Playing Games), so they must have some appeal. Some people take gaming very seriously. Others are more casual about it. Do you think you'll be a casual or an obsessive gamer? Obviously you want to have fun, but how do you do that? The following are some guidelines that will make you into a more accomplished gamer.

You want to be a full patch part of a MMORPG (Massive MultiPlayer Online Role Playing Game)? Thought so, well you'll need to keep yourself informed about the game and what's new with it. Knowing the game is far more critically important than having the gear/equipment, you know - that left-handed mouse thing or getting the best keyboard shortcuts.

How many of your friends also like online games? Ask some of them if they'd like to play with you. Online gaming can be a little intimidating on your own. Don't worry if none of your friends are gamers, as you can make new friends by participating in the games you love. That is the fun of the massive online games like World of Warcraft. So many people play these games that meeting new friends is easy. You can find many friends this way if you play the game well and are personable. You'll have a better experience with online gaming if you find friends to play with.

If you think that someone is playing the game badly, don't criticize them. More importantly, if someone wants to try to criticize you, don't take the bait. As you know, when a big negative flame session breaks out, rarely does it accomplish anything positive and it usually just takes the fun out of it.

For example, if someone is having a bad day, then just maybe say something in private, and always be polite. Calling attention to it in a public space will make others feel uncomfortable.

Having fun - that is what online gaming is all about. This is what most game creators have in mind when they are building these complicated universes. Some people get really serious, and if you do then there are other thoughts to consider. For lefties... make your keyboard shortcuts, and then be sure you have a left-handed mouse. Keep in mind about humility and working with a team. It's all much more fun when there are no "people" issues.

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