Wednesday 4 April 2012

Tips On Purchasing Reliable DoD Hard Drive Wipe Software

By Megan Edwards

If you plan on selling an old computer or need to replace an ancient machine, then you want to make sure all personal information is completely removed. This will require you to undergo a DoD hard drive wipe. Before you run out to the nearest electronics store or purchase a random software package, here are a few details that need to be considered. dod hard drive wipe

Most people assume that deleting the contents of the recycle bin or reformatting the computer system will remove sensitive information. This is not true. These two actions remove surface data leaving residual information intact. Data restoring programs can easily retrieve what is left behind.

Deleting files or reformatting a computer system is insufficient as it leaves previously stored information intact. The same goes for deleting files in the recycle bin; this is only the tip of the iceberg. Both methods leave behind residual records that can be easily retrieved with data restoring software.

Software packages vary in what they do and what is offered. For this reason going over the specifics is a good idea. This simple action ensures the users needs are met. The last thing anyone should do is blindly select a product without researching it because certain programs do a generalized overwrite, while others will focus on specific folders or can free up disk space while leaving selected information untouched.

For a successful overwrite it is best to buy software designed specifically for the computer. Windows is more common than Linux or Mac, so it may be more difficult to find a program for the latter. Choosing the correct package can make a difference in experiencing a successful cleaning.

Decide if it is going to be a generalized overwrite or if specific areas will be removed. Finally, it is important to know what type of system will be cleaned. Mac, Linux, and Windows all have specific requirements. Choosing the wrong software for the wrong computer can lead to certain areas being missed. Whether recycling an old computer, or upgrading to a different system, doing a DoD hard drive wipe will ensure vital information is completely overwritten.

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