Wednesday 12 June 2013

Battlestar Galactica Has Maintained Years Of Popularity

By Audie C. Bosco

Battlestar Galactica is one of a number of science fiction franchises that has been able to hold onto popularity for decades since it was first released. The popularity of this story and the characters of it began in the late 1970's when the show was first broadcast on television and, though it was only on air for a short time, was well received. There is lots of guessing that goes into the fantasy of science fiction, but fans of this genre appreciate the way they can imagine what the future may be like when space travel is commonplace. For fans of this genre, however, there are several things as exciting as a good television program, video game, movie, or book that takes the mind boggling ideas of science fiction and makes them feel real through believable characters and great plot lines.

Battlestar Galactica tells the story of a small colony of human survivors that have been forced out of their home planet by the Cylon, a race of cyborgs created originally by humans. Characters from this story resonate with fans because of their search for home and the struggles they face along the way. This is a critical concept of all science fiction; in spite of moving into uncharted territory and visions of what the future might be like, it keeps an emotional human element that fans know cannot be changed by time or technology.

One of the aspects of Battlestar Galactica that has been very exciting for fans is the use of amazing spacecraft including transport vessels and fighter ships. Fans of science fiction are interested in seeing new ways of imagining travel in space and dogfights between high speed space ships. Though modern space flight is still in its infancy, sci-fi writers have come up with all kinds of amazing ideas about what the future of space travel may be like and these ideas are well represented in BG.

Fans that want to truly experience what it would feel like to exist in this kind of science fiction universe can do so by playing video games that use the same characters, worlds, and vehicles found in the television show. Sharing in the events of your favorite science fiction stories can be quite exciting.

The popularity of Battlestar Galactica is famous as this franchise has successfully reached people all over the world. The story is kept alive through video games that use the same characters to allow players the chance to take part in BG's events and battles.

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