Wednesday 5 June 2013

Tasks Cared For By An Emergency Scribe

By Hassie J. Jewess

An ED scribe, or an emergency department scribe, is a very well educated medical scribe who works with physicians attending emergency room patients. The main aim of an emergency scribe is to keep complete and accurate records of all the patients being visited by the doctor they have been assigned to. The truth is that modern emergency rooms are hectic, stressful places where doctors have very little time to properly attend to all of the patients that have been assigned to them. The sad truth is that most doctors are not able to spend the full amount of time that they would like to take with each patient due to the time constraints associated with having multiple ER patients.

Doctors are getting a lot of their time back that they would typically have to dedicate to medical documentation when they have an emergency scribe at their side. A doctor can use their time to do routine checks such as blood pressure or to speak about a treatment option with a patient at greater length since the emergency doctor scribe can keep track of the documents that have to be filled out and filed for the patient. Doctors greatly appreciate being able to spend additional time with their patients since it gives them the ability to offer more personalized care.

If every doctor in the emergency room of a busy hospital were to have their own ER scribe to work with, imagine how much time would be saved. A lot of time is blown by doctors who have to fill out countless forms during their shifts when they could be using their skills more efficiently with their patients. Studies of large hospitals that utilize medical scribes have demonstrated that these professionals serve to significantly improve ER efficiency.

Some facilities are worried that hiring emergency doctor scribe workers will represent a significant chunk of their budgets and will not be worth the expense. This is not always the case, however, because several documented cases of hospitals that have hired scribes have shown that doctors become more efficient and thus save time and money in the ER with scribe ER assistance.

The medical field is packed with job opportunities so many people who get jobs as an ER scribe eventually move on to excellent medical careers. The challenges of being an ER scribe also offer considerable rewards and get you ready for your future career goals.

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