Tuesday 25 June 2013

Overcoming Space Battles Through Smart Use Of Abilities

By Monte R. Reinger

Space games are packed with interesting challenges such as gaining new abilities for your character, interacting with alien races, and participating in epic space battles. Science fiction games have always been well received amongst hardcore fans of the video game industry, but in recent years these games have been able to reach an increasingly main stream audience. Game designers have learned that they can enhance the quality of their sci-fi games by bringing together a variety of popular gaming features, such as good storytelling and excellent graphics. If you want to excel with your character and achieve victory in each of the battles you must fight, you have to really know your game's controls well.

Space battles often appear in science fiction games that are designed for online play so your two main sources of controls will be your PC's keyboard and mouse. Most games automatically assign certain commands to keyboard buttons that are convenient for play. For instance, either the arrow keys or the WASD keys will typically work to move your character or otherwise direct you. If the WASD keys are used designers usually add other helpful commands on nearby keys such as Q, F, and spacebar.

Any space battles that require the use of complex space vehicles will probably incorporate some directional commands with your computer's mouse. You may need to use your mouse in conjunction with directional keys to keep your character moving and looking in the proper direction or to aim your ship's weapons. Mouse clicks are often used for a number of commands in space games like selecting which enemy to target or executing a basic attack.

Certain gamers prefer to use gamepads or joysticks as opposed to just the keyboard and mouse. These may be particularly useful in specific types of games, such as a space flight simulator that makes effective use of a joystick for good maneuvering.

What is truly important is not which type of input device you select but rather how well you use it and how familiar you are with each of your character's abilities as they related to battle. Having a knowledge of the commands will make you a better team member during cooperative missions and will enable you to defeat even the most challenging enemies with ease.

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