Tuesday 4 February 2014

How To Operate Your Computer Repair Business

By Eliza Mendoza

A computer repair business is one of the most profitable and most rewarding of all the businesses. This is because virtually all businesses regardless of their sizes and areas of specialization use computers. Only a few of these businesses have in house IT specialists. This means majority of them have to source for these services elsewhere. However, before you resign from your current work place and move into self employment, there are a few things that you need to put in place to increase your chances of success. Below are some of these things.

The success of any trade is usually dependent on its location. As such, you need to strategically choose your location. The three important things when choosing location are; competition, customers and accessibility. You should choose a location where competitors are very few if any. There must also be large customer base.

Next step is to write down your start up cost. When budgeting for this, you need to plot away to cater for your expenses for at least three months. This is because most businesses take a minimum of three months to actually start realizing any return on investment. Remember that during this time you will need to do marketing from your own pocket. There are also other utility bills to be paid like electricity, water, web hosting and so forth.

Due to the nature of computer business, it is also advisable to have insurance cover for any issues that may arise. While such issues are never planned, they can occur at any time. Because of this, it is always good to be on the safe side by having insurance cover. Clients will be leaving their computers at your premise for repairs; this is another reason why insurance cover is vital. Check various insurance companies and choose one that fits your needs.

You also need to carefully price your services so that you do not send away clients while at the same time also not incurring losses. This means you need to research your competitors to see how they price their services. This will enable you determine price that is competitive enough and also reasonable for your skill and experience levels.

Advertisement is also part and parcel of business. As such, you need to explore possible avenues to advertise your company. Take the advantage of free media like twitter, facebook and LinkedIn. You also need to have a website where first time clients can get to know about your company.

Because you are dealing with computer repairs, you probably will need spare parts. Instead of sourcing for spare elsewhere, you can also stock them in your store or enter into partnership with spares supplier. Ensure you stock quality parts and offer warranty to customers who buy spare parts from you. This will attract you few more clients because clients always believe that good products come with warranty.

With the above tips in mind, your computer repair business should soon be off the ground. The most important thing is to have quality services. You must also not operate without license.

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