Saturday 5 July 2014

How To Remove Spyware From Your Computer

By Rosella Campbell

Obviously, the best way to prevent spyware from entering your computer system is to prevent it from beings downloaded. However, this is a solution that does not work for all people, a more reason why you need to learn how to remove spyware. The benefit of this is that you will be able to prevent malicious programmers who take advantage of security problems from stealing private information from you.

The first thing you need to do is to download spyware detection and removal software from the internet. A number of software is available for download and some of the best examples include Spybot Search and Destroy, the Hijackthis and the Windows Defender. It should not be difficult to search for any of these and find safe downloads online.

You know your computer has very important files that you do not want to lose, so you should back them up first before you start using the software you just downloaded. When you start using the downloaded software, you may lose data by accident or because of misdiagnoses so you need to make sure important files are safe. Do not ignore any file or think any of them is irrelevant because you may need them in future, so the best thing to do is to backup all of them.

Your computer obviously has official files, personal data, work related information and important programs you will never want to lose. The best thing to do therefore would be to have an external hard disk for all your data so that once you store the most important data then you will have nothing to worry about at all. Make sure you go through each file and folder to get the important data before you can start using the anti-spyware solution.

Once you complete backing up all or the most important data from your computer system, disconnect your computer from the internet and then reboot it. Do not start windows normally as you would when you want to use it, instead, reboot in Safe Mode. Proceed to the next step once your computer system starts.

Use the downloaded anti-spyware software to scan the entire computer system. You will have to be a little bit more patient because this will take some time to finish. The software will remove infected files from your computer and then you can use your system normally afterwards. The other way to uninstall infected files and programs from your computer is to use the uninstall program utility solution from the control panel of your computer.

Restart your system once you are done with uninstalling and see if the problem is solved. It is important to note that using anti-spyware software is good enough to solve the problem. If one software does no, you will want to try another one and see if the next one works better than the previous.

You may have to format the entire hard drive and then install a new operating system. Of course, this is the worst thing you want to think about so you want to try all possible solutions until you are sure this is the only way out. If all the available means do not work well for you or in the least solve the problem, backup all data and then proceed with formatting. Make sure you have the software ready to install after you reinstall your operating system.

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