Wednesday 22 October 2014

Simple Etiquette When Watching Free Movies

By Dominique Martin

Nowadays, people can enjoy a lot of things. They can go on a date at amusement parks or visit a spa to unwind. They can look for all-you-can-eat restaurants and pig out. Out of the various entertaining activities available to people these days, visiting a theater to enjoy free movies should be one of those at the top of the list.

While it is so much fun for you, it may not be so for other people. Instead of having fun, they get so angry about those individuals who do not know any etiquette when going to theater. Everyone needs to learn some manners then before going there. Here are those etiquette that you should hammer to your body to avoid annoying other people.

First, you should either leave your cellphone at home or turn it off. The cellphone can be a great distraction not only for you who wants to enjoy the film properly but to the other audience as well who are there to have a good time. If you cannot turn off your cellphone, then you can just keep it on silent mode.

You will usually want to search for the most comfortable position possible when in the theater. However, do not flippantly put up your feet on the seats next to yours or on the backrest of the seat in front of you. You can do anything you want to stay comfortable as long as there is no one sitting on that seat.

Taking pictures is a big no no. Not only is this illegal, it can be really annoying for the others who are there to watch the film. Whether they be in front of you or behind you, they will find it annoying if you keep on taking pictures of the screen, especially with the flash feature turned on.

Talking is basically not forbidden but it is better if you do so in a whisper. If you need to talk to the person who is sitting beside you, you have to do it in a low voice. No need to use a loud voice or even your conversational voice because these can be really annoying to the people around you.

Making out is a big no no too. Do not let your passion run over you while in the dark, cold setting of the theater. Do not do it when there are kids around, when there is no one else in the theater, or even when there are lots of people. No one wants to see you making out with your partner, after all.

Pee breaks are something to watch out for. While it is true that everyone has to go to a bathroom to pee at some point in time, it is not forgivable to always get up every thirty minutes just to go to the bathroom. That will just disturb the other people who are actually intending to seriously watch the show.

Snacking is not forbidden but you have to be mindful of your surrounding. Do not let the noise of your cellophane echo all throughout the theater. You should chew your crunchy junk foods slowly and quietly too. No one will appreciate it if you take a snack noisily and messily.

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