Thursday 7 July 2011

How To Recover From A Hard Disk Crash Nightmare

By Lizzy Kilpatrick

No one likes the experience of a hard disk crashing. In just seconds, a lifetime of work can be gone leaving you in tears and with a huge problem.

The good news is that with the latest technology in hard disk recovery, it is possible to save the data. Depending on whether the crash was logical or physical in nature, there are a number of tools and methods that can be utilized to prevent total loss.

In logical disk crashes, the data becomes all mixed up and the computer ends up in an infinite loop or cannot understand the data due to perhaps a corrupted sector of data or maybe a virus attack. In contrast, a physical disk drive crash is when the disk itself is damaged, not the data.

When your disk crashes, it is possible to recover almost 80% of the data using the latest technology in data recovery. Experts who deal in hard disk data recovery use a combination of software and hardware methods to regain your data.

To recover data from a crashed hard disk, one will need a working computer. Software required to recover the data will be installed on this computer. The software is then run to diagnose the damaged disk.

There are a number of utility tools to aid in logical disk failure. The come bundled with the operating systems installed on your computer. Windows, Leopard (for Macintosh computers), and Linux all have their utility software which users can use to maintain their disk drives. Anti-virus software can also help in the data recovery if the computer was attacked by a virus.

For physically damaged hard disks, special electronic equipment are needed to save the data. Devices that detect electromagnetic forces are used to save data from the remaining good sectors.

For further information, one may search for e-books and/or written manuals in recovering hard drive data.

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