Saturday 16 July 2011

Where To Buy Friends On Facebook

By Julie Ross

Friends are one of the most important things in life; and the more you have the better; helping to enrich life and make things easier. From support at times of need, to company when there is a party to be had, having a wide social group is always going to be good. It has long been said that it is not possible to buy friends, though this isn't strictly true anymore.

As social networking becomes ever important in people's lives, the number of the friends we have on our lists seems to be a ruling factor. In some cases, this has lead to people boosting their numbers just to show off to their actual friends; whatever the thought on this practice, it is an individual choice of course.

Many may view this as a little sad, or desperate, but in some cases this is very much not the case at all. For example, those individuals looking to boost awareness of themselves as a service provider could well be justified in doing this. Companies too have more than enough justification to actually buy friends.

As exploiting the benefits of social networking becomes ever important to build up, promote and maintain business, many companies are looking at building potential customer bases in this way. Whilst an aggressive form of advertising, it is something that is becoming increasingly accepted with online marketing.

Recognizing the need for performing online connections, marketing companies are now entering the fray and providing services to take away a lot of the hassle to source new friends. Far from spamming however, (though of course that does exist from some less than respectable companies), these packages are designed to only target those already expressing an interest.

The decision to become a friend is also retained by the person receiving the invitation; unless their parameters have been set up counter to this. Once again, this leaves the control very much with the potential friend.

This is fast becoming a preferred way many people want to be told of things that may be of use, or interest, to them. In today's modern, hectic world, people are getting ever time short, so having information delivered is often preferable to having to go look for it.

In life, as a person, it is important to be wanted and needed and reliant by and on others. As such, having to buy friends will never create true, lasting relationships. In the business world however, this is not the case; that isn't too say much the same amount of work will have to put in to keep those relationships strong.

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