Sunday 4 December 2011

Types Of Financial Products For Consumers

By Ed Hulse

Financial products for consumers are made available to provide the public a means to save, invest, and get insurance and loans. There are several types of these instruments according to their risks and returns. To be educated about these is a very useful thing for citizens as they might consider availing of the offers in the future.

Potential creditors are invited to extend their financial assistance to the government departments as well as private companies by taking part in bonds. These bonds are issued for a longer term of repayment and creditors are guaranteed of their profits through the fixed interest rates they predetermine and provide to the issuers.

In contrast, the Treasury bills or T bills issued by the government are payable for a matter of less than a year, the longest being six months. They are passed to address the short term financing needs of agencies and investors can gain profit that amounts to the difference between the face value and the price at which the T bill was issued.

A similar offer would be the short term notes which are issued by private institutions such as banks. Their differences from the T bills are that they can be payable for up to a year and are available at any time. Nevertheless, these tap issues still offer fixed interest rates which would still guarantee profits to the creditors.

People can also invest by buying shares from certain establishments. In doing this, they are guaranteed to received dividends annually or several times a year, and are allowed to partake in the decision making processes for the companies. Companies offer these to again finance, continue and expand their operations.

Brokerage firms, banks and insurance companies also offer investment funds which are also forms of shares. The only difference is that instead of focusing on the manufacturing of goods or provision of services, their focus is more on real estate assets and insurances.

Warrants and options are instruments issued for citizens to buy and sell rights on the shares. Warrants take effect for a longer period in contrast with the other and they also have more potential for increasing the capital.

To decide on what action to undertake regarding the financial products for consumers, it is best to obtain the assistance of advisers. Investors and creditors must get to know all the terms and conditions attached to the agreements before deciding to jump into them.

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