Saturday 31 December 2011

Why Companies Should Take Mobile Phone Development For Australia Seriously

By Lulu Vibian

The internet is as popular as it has ever been. However, there are some massive changes happening in the way the world accesses this huge resource. In previous years, most people have used a traditional home computer as a gateway to the world wide web. In more recent times, the laptop has become hugely popular due to its compact nature. The advent of the smart phone means people can now access the internet at any time, in almost every area of the world. Mobile phone development for Australia is now crucial for businesses.

Surprisingly, there are thousands of companies with websites that don't recognize the need to cater for people with these relatively new devices. A traditional website viewed on a three inch screen of a mobile device can become dysfunctional and, in some cases, simply not work. It is also often only possible to view small sections of a web page at a time.

By developing a website with dual functionality, visitors can get an optimized experienced on whatever device they choose to use. The coding need to offer this facility is relatively simple. In some cases, existing code can simply be modified.

The big advantage to visitors to a website is the type of device being used is usually automatically recognized. There is often no need for the user to do anything. A mobile version of a web page is usually designed to fit a three or four inch screen perfectly. Many of the unnecessary features of a website, including photos and videos are removed.

Businesses now have the option to employ the services of online experts and automated systems. This makes it possible to develop sites specifically for a mobile device or adapt existing websites for mobile viewing. This is a relatively simple process and can deliver higher visitor numbers.

For companies to ignore this phenomenon would be reckless. Several internet experts believe tablet computers and smart phones will be the main way to access the net in the future. Failing to recognize this may ultimately result in lost business.

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