Sunday 23 December 2012

Asset Management Software and You

By Darren Folkes

Asset management software is a name that you have probably heard over and over again, but you may not be sure what it does, or even why it is necessary. To start, this is a type of software required by virtually any company that works in manufacturing, sales, distribution, and virtually anything else. Even if you simply work with customer support, non-physical assets are a concern. Do you want to keep track of it all? If this is really the situation, then you will want to start using asset tracking software.

asset management software will do a great job of tracking your assets. The software has many items contained, for example maintenance records and even replacement schedules. These are all important. Replacement schedules for example will tell when you need to replace or refill a specific item. Asset management software will trigger an event alarm when the time comes to order replacements, and in some cases even make the order. Through this you will have a constant supply going out and coming in.

Even with good asset management software, it is only as good as what is entered into the database. With that stated, the human element is still needed, even using asset tracking software. What we mean of course is that if someone uses an asset or breaks it without making a report, the system will not know a replacement is needed. With that being understood, you can see why the human element is always necessary.

What if you have an emergency? You will definitely need to consider this, particularly in an asset management system. What happens for instance, if you have a remote location that needs an asset? Will redirecting your assets be a problem? Some redesign might be in on the horizon.

What about intangible assets? By what logic will they integrate into your business plan? These assets are not monetary or physical. These have of course been built through various efforts, amounting to accoutns receivable, patents, computer software, and copyrights.

You must figure out whether or not you need asset tracking software before you buy it. Remember that asset management software can be expensive, especially when it is for an entire company. You must think about the cost along with the measure of functionality you need. Have you thought about users? Does your company employ a lot of people? Can you scale the software? You need to find the answers. Asset management is very important for a larger business. It will make life easier and cut down on manpower. This will be a perfect time to investigate asset management, especially if your business is growing. It may be difficult to get started, but once you have deployed the system, it will be well worth it.

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