Saturday 29 December 2012

Password Managers: Don't Make it Easy for Hackers

By Todd Domingo

How often do you cruise the internet?If you are like most people you probably visit hundreds of websites on a monthly basis.You most likely have to create a password for the websites too.Many of these sites are harmless in the fact.This is because they do not ask for personal info.With these types of sties password security is not an issue.However for websites where you go to bank or shop, password security should be a high priority.

More and more people are using the internet on a daily basis.They like to shop online, bank online and enjoy various forms of entertainment online.Most websites want personal information as a way to identify users.This is usually done in the form of providing an email address and a user name.If this is all that is required, then this is not an issue.This is because people use disposal email addresses that do not use their real names.However, when you have to shop or bank online, you must give your real personal information.

When you have to give up this much of your personal information, ensure that it cannot get into the wrong hands.This is because there are plenty of unscrupulous people who lurk around waiting for the best time to hack your account and steal your identity to do more harm.The one interesting thing is that many people have a lot of passwords because they like surf the net quite often.In order to make the process easier, they will use the same password for every site that they log into.This is the wrong thing to do because once a hacker figures out the password on one website, he can easily figure out the other passwords too.

Do not make things this easy for hackers.Get a password manager such as Password Manager Pro.This type of software works like admanager plus in the sense that it manages a whole lot of domains at one time.Simply put, you will enter the information for each site that you frequent.Utilize the software and log in to your accounts by using one main password that can access all of your accounts.Hackers hate this type of software.But it also makes it easier for you to access them.All accounts will still have an individual password.

All in all, protecting your online password manager pro is getting harder and harder.If there is something to gain, there will be other who want to exploit it.But, when you get a good password manager, you should have improved protection.The software will create a little shortcut for you and keep your password protected.This is the best type of security.It is another way to stop hacker dead in their tracks.

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