Friday 2 August 2013

Critical Details On What Is A Social Network And Its Benefits

By Albert Peters

The advancement of technology has brought about quite a number of developments as to ways people communicate and relate to each other through the internet. This article is geared to look at what is a social network and its importance as of today. This site is where people interact, transact and share ideas as friends, family, colleagues and workmates. With mobile phone and computer technology, all these can be easily accessed from anywhere.

Facebook, Google talk, twitter, Linked-In and MySpace are the leading sites as of today boasting over a billion subscribers. This recent rise can be attributed to enhancement in flow of information, availability of cheap and reliable internet and the need to have a means of interaction that is cheaper and more reliable as compared to telephone calls. All these and many others put together are contributing immensely to these growths.

Many people prefer sites where there are no restrictions whatsoever in terms of age or costs when joining them. This is exactly what such offer. It is absolutely free to be a member or subscriber. Registration only entails having a working email address for identification purpose. The individual with thereafter be required to provide some basic information, choose a suitable user-name and password for easy accessibility. With all these duly completed, he or she is good to go.

The inception stage at this point is to look up for people one may know and add them up or connect as friends. In case they are not on the site, there is provision of sending invitation messages through emails and text messages for them to join the network. Once done, the fun point of it becomes a reality in sharing photos, video clips and information with ease.

On these sites, one can also join or follow some of the groups, pages or celebrities and leaders around the world. These ones provide quotes, verses in the bible and also linkage to certain jobs within the vicinity. Communication on the other hand is not left behind. Through this means, it becomes quite easy to pass on information to a wide range of people regardless of where they are physically located.

The uses of social sites are quite a number. The first and most common one is that of marketing goods and services and the actual selling. In this perspective, a marketer posts links of websites where they he or she has information concerning certain products. He or she can also post actual photos of some of the items for sale such as houses, cars, mobile phones, computers and many others. This platform is very effective since the response is rapid.

Another use is that of creating friendship, pals and networking between people of similar and different nations around the world. In this area, there is creation and meeting new friends. Establishment of such relationships makes it possible for peace and unity enhancement and promotion in various states around the world.

With all these in mind, the subject of what is a social network and all the concepts underlying it will have been answered. The warning users need to employ is that of not trusting everyone new with sensitive information concerning their personal life and financial situations.

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