Saturday 2 November 2013

Defeat Computer Obsolescence With Sacramento PC Repair

By Cornelia Reyes

The digital age, and the advent of information systems in the business world changed the conduct of business permanently. This change extends into the home as personal computers have become ubiquitous, and many new businesses are run out of non-traditional office spaces. Rather than spending money every six months to replace your system let Sacramento PC repair keep it up to speed.

The early days of computing saw business openly embracing the machine, especially with the availability of VisiCalc or Lotus 1-2-3, the early spreadsheet programs. Home use for early adopters were largely games or the collection of favorite recipes. Today everything from home banking to international logistics requires a sophisticated interconnection of information systems which few can escape.

About the only dream the digital era has not been able to delver on is a truly paperless society, although there has been a decrease in many uses. Many of the old ways of doing business are gone, from typewriters to daily mail postings. New ideas that were unheard of, such as business intelligence, have made it possible to extract important information from data largely ignored in the past.

If one needed information about the logistical feasibility of a supply capability located in another country, it meant a business trip or a complex proposal sent in the mail. Now an initial inquiry can be e-mailed to the other company, and follow up can be executed in an online meeting between major officers in both companies. All of this business can be accomplished in one or two days.

The pace at which what if ideas become products occurs so fast it is hard to keep up. Anyone who has had to take extended time off is likely to return to an environment replete with new versions of almost all the hard and software with which they had been familiar. This problem can make it even more difficult to try and keep a functioning information systems set up for the family.

Changes in software may be even faster, driven by the insatiable hunger for improved graphics and user interfaces, new versions of games are released before most can navigate the older version. As the graphics and interfaces become more complex, researchers devise greater capabilities in memory and processing speeds. This differences between capability and programming continue to drive progress.

There almost seems to be a little bit of planned obsolescence in the industry. Even computer games become obsolete as new computers are not backward compatible, requiring the user to purchase a new version for the new machine. The rapid pace of change makes it difficult for individuals to keep up with business and entertainment, as there is constant need for upgrade.

For most, the attempt to keep their machine form being behind the technology curve can become prohibitively expensive. Continually replacing a computer when the current one still operates well is fiscally absurd, but there is a solution. Sacramento PC repair cannot only maintain peak computer efficiency, but can upgrade specific parts as needed at much less cost than replacement.

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