Friday 8 November 2013

Utilization Of Systems Modeling Software

By Alyce Powell

This is an application that is used to quantify a building or a locality in its model form. Systems modeling software has enabled both the building and energy sectors to flourish since before a real structure is constructed of put in place, one can play around with its size and features while looking at the various variables that change with it. There are however two main factors that are emphasized with this kind of application, these are its cost and energy requirements.

When resizing a region, the contract or the company charged with this mandate has the sole responsibility to find out what weather conditions a place has to offer. Most of the companies related with harnessing solar energy obtain data revealing information of a locality on the amount of solar energy one can harvest, how much they can spend and the amount they can save. The energy budget is thus this important.

It is proven that amount of incident solar radiations differ from one place to another. Its intensity also differs then. As one moves from a lake region deep to the main land the solar intensity changes drastically. Around the lake the radiation is extremely high with a lot of heat energy as compared to that of a mainland. Therefore this differing rates of solar energy as one moves from one place to another dictates that after a model has been properly demonstrated.

Solar modeling also comes with factors to be considered. For instance the duration of operation of software has to be considered. Several other factors can also cause hindrance if not carefully ascertained. These factors are the charging and discharging properties of batteries. Environmental factors are also not put aside as temperature being one of them has an effect.

The models may also wear out with time and so will the structure since changes are always prone to occur. This is clearly demonstrated by comparing the performance of a new battery and that of it when old. For a structure to function when and for it to be reliable, and to enable it provide the service it is intended to for long, this differences must be checked and a way forward in addressing them sited.

On finding the amount of solar energy this solar panel structure can harness in a specific locality, it should be put up in that region and coded in such a way that it produces the same energy as specified. It should be programmed so as to enable it generate the same power even on a cloudy day. This way its users are not affected on such extreme weather days.

Other than making it cope under bad weather, these important feature should prevail for a days or even weeks should the weather remain bad. Although the battery will be over used due to extreme discharging, it can be replaced if it is completely damaged.

In its applications in solar energy harnessing, systems modeling software has brought a lot of changes. Weather in bad or good weather relative to the operating conditions of a solar panel one can find energy for lighting and other applications. Sizing and modeling has now been made easier thanks to this application.

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