Monday 4 November 2013

The Cloud Hosting Chicago Companies Have For Sale

By Allyson Burke

When you think of some of the biggest companies in the country you would think that most of their technological properties would be overseas. However much sense that might make, that is actually wrong. The cloud hosting Chicago companies offer is what the world uses and for a very good and sound reason. Because it is the best.

People often associate Chicago real estate with high prices and gorgeous views of the lake. However, when you are talking about the cloud, you are talking about a virtual landscape. It has absolutely nothing to do with land values or the view from a high rise window at the penthouse level. Yet the prices are still higher.

One of the ways that this became reality was that the more affluent business men ended up flocking to the area when the banks did early on in the cities history. After the banks settled there more and more businesses did as well. Over time and as bigger and bigger companies made it their home, they started to lure their tech partners there also.

So they did. They hired a couple independent firms to come in a test the security and the encryption that these companies offered for their services and they actually passed with flying colors. One of the reasons why they did was because they had some of the best coders in the business set up their systems.

They should not have to worry about what is done with the space anyway. That is not what they are in business for. They are not there to be the morality police for other people running their business the way they want to. That is their choice. The liability is on them, not on the seller of the cloud space. This is all in the disclaimer.

It sort of works like supply and demand. The more companies that exist within the area the less it will cost for their services because there will be just way too much competition for prices. Just like when you have too many tech stores in one area. People can get the cheapest Blu-ray player there because there are so many being sold.

It started off as a small idea but now that the cloud has become a reality people can get that service from anywhere. It does not take a person being in the same area as the server to get service. So it needs to be be better for some reason and the people in Chicago have figured out how to make their service better than anyone else.

The coders and programmers told them and then they paid them. Before you knew it they had the beginnings of the best cloud security there was anywhere. This is how the cloud hosting Chicago companies offered became better and safer than the rest anywhere. It also allowed them to charge more for the same services that other companies offered people. It was a great way to do it too.

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