Saturday 20 August 2011

Classic Horror Movies That Stand The Test Of Time

By Adriana Noton

People have always enjoyed a good scary story, something that keeps them on the edge on their seat. Whether it be a ghost story around a fire, horror movies, or a thrilling book by the likes of Stephen King or Dean Koontz, people have always found getting scared by a story perversely satisfying.

When it comes to horrors, there are so many types of stories to scare you. Monster stories, gory films, the silly and wacky horrors, psychological thrillers and ghost stories have kept audiences on the edge of their seats.

Comparing horror movies is always going to be tough. Alfred Hitchcock for example made some of the great classics, films like Psycho and The Birds, but they are very difficult to compare to a movie like A Nightmare on Elm Street for example. But these five films perhaps best define the genre in a whole, the films that inspired thousands more just like them.

In 1960 the one and only Alfred Hitchcock introduced us to Norman Bates and the Bates Motel in Psycho. This masterpiece, with Anthony Perkins in the role of Norman, continues to stand the test of time. It many not be the scandalous movie it was in 1960, but it is still one of the most tense and nerve-wracking experiences you will have while watching a movie. The famous shower scene with Janet Leigh is perhaps the most iconic on-screen kill of all time.

Thirteen years later in 1973, William Friedkin directed The Exorcist, and this is still a movie you had better not watch alone, and even then you may find yourself not being able to sleep afterward. Linda Blair stars as Regan, a girl who is possessed by a demon, while Ellen Burstyn is brilliant as her mother, as is Max Von Sydow as one of the priests who attempt to exorcise her. You will never forget this movie, or some of the music after you watch this.

While not the most traditional of all horror movies, there is no doubt that Steven Spielberg's Jaws scared more people out of swimming in the sea than anything before it. It also inspired hundreds of other movies with a similar story, of a real life creature demonizing ordinary people. Still to this day almost four decades later, humming a few bars of the theme at the beach will scare enough people to believe a shark is nearby.

When it comes to slasher horror movies, there are many to consider for the top spot, with Friday theThirteenth's Jason and Elm Street's Freddie Kruger close contenders. But it is Michael Myers in the 1978 original Halloween that tops the list. Perhaps it was Jamie Lee Curtis' scream, or Donald Pleasance's creepy psychiatrist, or the fact that it was directed by a true master of suspense, the one and only John Carpenter. Carpenter's The Thing and The Fog are two other great scary choices.

Finally, and to show Steven Spielberg's influence on horror movies, is a movie produced by him, and directed by Toby Hooper, the one and only Poltergeist. Released in 1982, the film revolves around a haunted home, and the family these ghosts decide to terrorize, eventually even taking the youngest child, memorably into the television set. Leading the cast were Craig T. Nelson and JoBeth Williams.

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