Tuesday 30 August 2011

The Conversation Of Ordinary Books Versus E-Books

By Robert Schultz

Last year was the first year that e-books out-sold actual printed books. It has ignited a great book debate among people. Many believe that printed books preserve old traditions. Technology has its place, but it's also unpredictable.

People who enjoy the new digital books argue that they are far more transportable and almost impossible to damage. They also cost less. In some cases, they don't cost anything. These are all very persuasive arguments.

However, there's nothing quite like the satisfaction and relaxation that comes with curling up with a cup of hot cocoa and a good book. It certainly depends on personal preference and it might also rely on what age the individual is, but it's still not the real thing.

It's not the same with a digital book. The screen doesn't have the same visual spectrum as paper and if you're easily distracted by all the other forms of entertainment offered online. With an old fashioned book, you are able to get lost amongst the pages far easier.

Another thing to think of is value. A lot of original books are now highly valued because of the rarity. This will never happen to an easily duplicated digital book, whose value can only go down.

There is another thing to consider when comparing price. While an old fashioned book is more expensive, you own it forever, it can sit proudly on your shelf, and you won't lose it because of some copyright device or software glitch.

Many people admit that technology has made life a lot easier in a variety of ways. This is one of its greatest contributions to man.

However, some may say that technology has been bad as far as the book world goes. Libraries and printed books are slowly being forgotten and it's a real shame.

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