Saturday 6 August 2011

A Few Things To Expect When Going To The Dentist

By Adriana Noton

Going to the dentist is usually a dreaded occasion for most people. It usually connotes a lot of pain and discomfort. What most people don't realize is that dentists strive to cause as least pain as possible. It is unfortunate that visits to the dentist carry this stigma because regular checkups are vital to ensure proper oral health.

The first thing you need to do is set an appointment with your dentist. You should pick a time of the day that is most convenient for you. It is ideal to set an appointment after lunchtime because after some procedures, you might not be able to eat solid food for some time due to the discomfort experienced. It is also important to schedule your appointment so you can prepare yourself psychologically if you are feeling apprehension.

A complete assessment of the state of your teeth is the first thing the dentist will perform. He will usually check for the any caries present. If the patient is a child, he will assess the growth of the child's permanent teeth. Then he will decide upon what procedure he will carry out for you, if needed.

Cleaning is usually done during most visits. A tool that emits a fine stream of water is used to remove dirt between and on your teeth. Children are usually given a fluoride paste to prevent cavities and strengthen the enamel of their teeth. One disadvantage of cleaning is that it abrades the surface of your teeth and may actually damage them if done too often and too aggressively.

If your dentist finds cavities, he will clean and fill them. Cleaning is done by using a small drill to remove all parts of the tooth which are decayed. You may experience slight discomfort during drilling. The best way to describe the sensation is the discomfort felt in your teeth when you eat very cold food. After drilling, the tooth is filled with a special material that hardens when exposed to an ultraviolet light source.

Tooth extraction may be necessary in some cases. It is quite easy to extract milk teeth from children because they are usually so loose. For adults, however use of an anesthesia is needed. A topical anesthesia is rubbed on the gums before the local anesthesia is injected. When the whole area surrounding the tooth is numb, it is extracted with the use of pliers.

Your teeth may also require orthodontic appliances if they are misaligned. This treatment is spread out over a long period of time and requires frequent visits. For other clients, prostheses like removable dentures may also be fitted at the clinic. This is done by first casting a mold of the teeth to ensure a proper fit. Other prostheses include permanent replacement of teeth.

Your dentist Oakville will always provide you information about oral hygiene you can perform at home. After certain procedures, he will tell you how long you can't eat or how long you must avoid chewing food on a certain side of you mouth. He will also reinforce proper oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing. You must also set an appointment for a follow up to ensure that the procedures performed were successful and if they were not, corrective action may be taken.

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