Monday 1 August 2011

Helpful Hints On How To Keep Your Computer Clean

By Edward French

One of your computer's worst enemies is dust and it your computer is used a lot and is kept on for hours at a time, then it's a good idea to clean it every now and again. Cleaning out dust can extend your computers life and make keep it running faster and quieter.

If you have a desktop computer then the main place dust accumulates is around the CPU unit and fan areas. There is a fan that is connected to a heat sink which sits on top of the processor to disperse the heat and you can use this to prevent your processor from over heating. Blowing air to the heat sink is what this fan does to cool it down as the heat is passed up from the CPU. Dust particles are blown in the air in to the heat sink because the fan is constantly blowing air and because of this, the heat sink of the computers can clog up over time and reduce its effectiveness.

Because the fan is constantly blowing air it also blows the dust particles in the air in to the heat sink, over time this can clog up the computers heat sink reducing its effectiveness. Because of the dust your fan may have to blow faster making it louder and more costly to run. You can normally see if the fan is clogged up by just opening your computer up and looking at it. It would be a good idea to clean it if your fans heat sink is really clogged up with dust and is dirty looking. When dealing with the inside of your computer or anything electrical ensure the power is turned off and it is unplugged first.

Using a can of compressed air and special nozzle is the best way to clean out the insides of your computer and you can buy these items from any good computer store. You can use the spray nozzle for getting in those tricky places. When spraying the compressed air on to your computer, make sure you don't spray it for to long as condensation may form some drops of water. You can give it a gentle wipe using an anti-static cloth after blowing away any dust from your computer's heat sinks. You can also use the compressed air to clean your power unit and keyboard.

Providing you have the correct equipment, then cleaning the inside of your computer doesn't take long and you will notice an immediate improvement in your computer's performance once you are done. The fan wont need to blow as hard so it will be quieter and thanks to the processor running at a cooler temperature your whole computer should generally run faster. I try to clean my computer every 4 or 5 months to keep it running efficiently.

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