Monday 15 August 2011

Finding A Lawyer Online - Bane Or Boon?

By Alison Heath

Every now and then we need the services of an attorney. The common citizen, unfortunately, does not usually have a law firm at his/her beck and call 24/7, so this can be challenging. Choosing a lawyer to represent your interests is difficult, particularly if you have never needed one before.

Finding a good lawyer means finding law firms in your area, finding out what they specialize in, and visiting various law firms to meet and discuss your case with them. It can be time consuming and costly. As an alternative, finding legal services can be accomplished online, as this is faster and less costly, but before getting started on your Internet research, you have to keep a few things in mind beforehand.

Be reminded of these advantages of finding legal services online and you should be set on your quest:

No longer do you have to spend on gasoline and manually pick out the best law firm after a long and tiring selection process - the Internet allows you the convenience to do your research at home.

It is no longer imperative to spend some time away from the office to do your research, as again, you can look for law firms at any place with an Internet connection.

You don't have to get dressed up for meetings and be intimidated by the 'suits'

You wouldn't feel forced to decide on an attorney right then and there just because the potential lawyer to hire is sitting right in front of you.

It is much easier to conduct a compare between services and costs.

If there are pros, then there are also cons involved in choosing legal services online, including:

You have no way of checking a lawyer's reputation and reliability online, and may become a victim of fraud

This is an option that leaves you with no opportunity to meet your attorney in person before you hire him/her, and it is always good to spend time with your lawyer and make sure you get on his/her good side well before the proceedings.

If you aren't too computer-savvy, you may find yourself only more confused with the myriad choices you may find.

However, there is one surefire tactic you can employ to get around these disadvantages, and this is to create a simple shortlist of lawyer candidates. You want to ensure yourself that you're hiring a reliable attorney, so ask for references on his/her background and experience. And don't forget your intimates - your family and friends, and even co-workers can help you find a a law firm that you can research online as well. And remember that there are different types of lawyer, so choose the right one, instead of ending up with a criminal defense lawyer, for instance, trying to help you with your taxation concerns.

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