Saturday 10 September 2011

Choosing the Best Flight Simulator Game

By James Smith

The best PC flight simulator is quite probably one you have never heard of. Flight simulator software is rather a niche piece of software. As a consequence you will frequently find that some of the best flight simulators are only sold online rather than as a packaged product to be found in your local software store. So you have to do a bit of research to discover what is available.

Flight simulator developers need to find a balance between making their product fun and feeling like a game and being realistic enough to feel just like you are flying a genuine aircraft. The difficulty with making things too realistic is you can lose the fun component and the experience can be tedious for all but the most dedicated pilots.

The steep learning process frequently connected with flight simulations has a tendency to restrict their appeal to folk other than people who are very dedicated about recreating the flying experience as authentically as possible. Many flight simulations available will do nothing except make you curse with frustration at their complexity. You want to find the best balance of authenticity and fun. Because of this I regard Pro Flight Simulator to be the best computer flight simulation available. It's is both brilliantly realistic and is great fun too.

It's all very well having a realistic flight sim but if the visuals are unrealistic then you are not going to get much pleasure from admiring the views. For me the best personal computer flight sim is all about exploring as much as it is about flight. I really like to feel a bit like I have the liberty to travel where I like and explore the geography of the earth from the air. I really like to fly over realistic landscapes, and if they are based mostly on real world geography then so much the better.

A good flight simulator should be developed with a delicate learning curve that rewards you for your progress rather than punishing you for your lack of it. Variety is critical. Pro Flight Simulator for example has over 120 planes and over 20,000 airports. There is no end of varied flying experiences and places to fly to.

It's important for a simulator package to include a comprehensive manual, demos and help texts. The best flight simulations are expandable with additional add-ons that can be bought that add yet further variety to the simulation experience.

In order to select the best personal computer flight sim for your requirements you want to decide on whether or not it is entertainment you are after or realism. The other thing to go looking for is whether you simply want to fly or do you need to get involved in combat by flying combat aircraft. Some flight sims such as Pro Flight Simulator even allow you to fly 'copters.

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