Thursday 22 September 2011

Xbox - A Look At The Past

By Darren Rodkey

There had been only 3 companies battling against every other back within the past when it came to pc consoles. Sony, Nintendo and Sega had been the 3 main businesses that had a lot of the market share. Companies were moving towards compact discs as a medium except for Nintendo.

Cartridges had been expensive to make and this spelled doom for the manufacturer. Surprisingly, the upstart from Sony went on to break records more than time. Due to Sega's continuing poor outcomes within the marketplace, the company brass decided that is was time to focus on something else, software. Which meant that an additional player came in to take their place within the type of Microsoft.

They called it the Xbox and it was a powerful new contender. The issue with the Xbox was the availability of truly good games. As such, it was decided that they required a really great game to release the console with. That game, will be the legendary Halo.

It was created by a business that went by the name "Bungie" which Microsoft purchased outright. This game was the perfect complement to begin off the launch. The good results with the console had a lot to do with this game as it got new clients interested in the Xbox. More than a million copies of the game were sold just within the first year of release.

Nevertheless, all great issues must come to an end and the original Xbox was retired in favor of their newest offering, the Xbox 360. Released before PS3 hit the market, the 360 was sold on the market in 2005. Among the initial things gamers noticed was the vastly elevated storage space. Its rivals, the Wii and PS3 hit our shores in 2006.

With the console, it created Xbox live, which was an on-line service for users. Beside gaming, Xbox Live also provided streaming services for gamers. A slight upgraded console was released under the name Xbox 360 S. It is smaller (shorter) than its predecessor and its internals were redesigned to free up extra space within the console. The important technology included into the console was Microsoft's Kinect.

They're attempting to emulate the good results of Nintendo's Wii and their motion based games. Nintendo is still very dominant in that genre nevertheless but that might change. But the Kinect works with out a controller, which is hugely advantageous.

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