Friday 9 September 2011

Why is Uptime important for my site?

By William MacMahon

Websites are built for merely the reason of accessibility and availability. For whatever purpose you may have in building a website, every reason will boil down to being able to have a place in the web that can be accessed by you or other people and become available for any purpose it may serve. For websites created for marketing purposes, accessibility is very important. Being accessible at all-time should be the optimum goal of every website. Traffic is very essential; getting the most can be very helpful to your business.

As such, finding a very good web hosting company to host your website should be your primary concern. Hosting company plays a major role in ensuring that your website has a very desirable uptime percentage. Although it can be appropriate to ask web hosting companies to guarantee a one hundred percent uptime, this is not possible. Most hosting company can only guarantee up to 99.9% percent of an uninterrupted runtime, any more than this is not practical and definitely unachievable.

Most web hosting companies claim to have at least a runtime of 99.8% of uptime. This is industry high and can only be achieved by big hosting companies because this may require investing in a lot clustered servers that can be deployed individually when one or more is down.

A potential transaction can be lost for every second your website is down. With consumers surfing the web at any time of the day, you would never know how many potential clients can be lost during a specific time your website is experiencing downtime.

For websites catering international clients, your website should be up and running twenty four hours of each day. Unlike an office wherein working hours are restricted to office hours, a website does not have a limit when it comes to availability. It is important that client can reach you and get in touch with you through your website at any given time they desire.

Since the primary and perhaps the most important reason why a company create a website is for the consumers to have an online and mobile access to the products and services being offered by them. The high percentage of run time can ensure more potentiality of being accessible to consumer. Availability should be the primary goal of their website as it will affect the business and eventually the earning potential of their clients.

Part of having a good quality is being up whenever the search engine tries to explore it. So, when the search engine tries to access your site and it is down, the search engine will take note of it and will give you a low rating; the same will apply if it always up, then the website will be rewarded and will be given a high rating. Search engine ratings are very important because this will be the basis as to whether where you will be located when the results will appear for the users.

A good hosting team can make your website reach its full potential by providing an uninterrupted hosting in the highest possible percentage. Their goal must be to ensure your website's availability and accessibility all the time.

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