Sunday 18 September 2011

Top Uses For External Hard Drives

By Andrew Johnson

With so many programs or files being saved to their computer hard drives now more people are leaning towards getting extra storage. One of the top ways to expand storage is to use an external hard drives. By doing this people can save music files, pictures, videos, or any other files without clogging up the memory on their computer.

An external hard drive is a hard drive that is in its own casing. This drive is then hooked up to any computer via a high speed interface cable. This cable normally either has a USB or Firewire plug so a person should make sure to have the proper ports available on their computer prior to purchasing one.

With so many hackers being online now many people are concerned over the safety of their storage on a personal computer. By having an external drive their programs will be protected as they can detach the unit from the computer whenever they are online. One thing to note however is that if there is a virus on the computer that an external drive is attached to that it can be infected with that virus as well.

Portability is another key factor that lead to people purchasing an external drive. A drive with a Firewire plug can be used on any computer that has an open Firewire plug. This type of portability gives the consumer an opportunity to take their files with them anywhere that they go.

There are many different uses for an external drive because of its versatility. One of the most commonly used functions would be one that allows for peace of mind for anyone that has a lot of data on their computer. Many people will back up their operating system onto a hard drive so if they ever have their system crash it would be easy to recover it to a certain level.

Other users will save all of their multimedia information on an external drive. This allows for them to take the drive to share with friends and family easily. It also keeps their computer memory free so their computer may run faster because of it.

There are many benefits to purchasing external hard drives. With the prices for them coming down it is easier for people to afford large capacity drives that can store a lot of data. The drives allow for easy portability of files for people that use multiple computers or want to share pictures or videos.

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