Saturday 1 October 2011

Are you looking for the best tools and techniques to improve your rankings?

By Rosa Graham

Are you ready to buy a home theater audio system? Here are several tips to help you find the right audio system for you.

Let's start by getting the obvious out of the way first. The main purpose of web directories is to promote web sites. This isn't usually done directly, by directing users through their links, since web directories don't get that much traffic, but indirectly.

Consider drawing a map of your room and sketch the possible placements of your furniture, components and speakers. Measure the room's dimensions and write them down. Make a list of all the inputs you currently have and will continue to use. Make a list of the inputs you intend to add to your new audio system. You should write down which components are going to need cables and wires. Also, write down the approximate lengths of those cables and wires. Once all of this is worked out carry this information and map with you when you go out to buy your new audio system.

Ok, this is fine, but what about the surfers? Let's be honest, 99 percent of the people that visit web directories are web masters that want to promote their web sites by getting a few extra links. Web directories have never been too attractive to surfers. But can they become attractive? Well, my guess is they can. And the only way to do so is to become more user friendly and to provide surfers with useful content. What I mean by this is that web directories can become popular websites if, instead of providing a list of mediocre websites, ordered by the ammount of money each one of them payed for their listing in the web directory, they would provide a list of the top websites the internet has to offer for each category. Such a list should be maintained by the web masters, by searching the web and choosing the top websites. Of course, this means that you can't just wait for people to submit any websites to your directory. You will have to get working on finding the websites surfers might be interested in. Another cool thing one could add is to allows userse to rate the websites that are listed.

2. Decide on what you want to experience when you settle down on your couch with your partner and a big bowl of popcorn. Ruminate on the experience you want before you ruminate on your budget. Is it stereo, surround sound, or primarily movies?

3. Spend a few hours looking around on key sites and forums and you will know more than most. Friends, family, trade and consumer magazines and inquiring jaunts to your favorite electronic store will help you gain customer leverage. Do not buy anything at this point. Get as much information stuffed into your brain that will help you when the time comes for you to buy your system.

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